I LOVE that she is such a great big sister. When Talon cries she always runs to him and tries to put his binki in. I LOVE that she is always willing to get me a diaper or throw one away. I LOVE the way she tells everyone she talks to on the phone or at church about her baby brother and smiles with pride. She LOVES her baby brother.
I LOVE that she makes me laugh. She is my comic relief. You can't have a bad day around Kaylee because she is always dressing up and saying silly things. The other morning I told her to hurry up because we were going to be late. She looked at me and with a sigh, raised her hands and said "Huh, Are you kidding me?! Fine, lets go." I LOVE to laugh and she makes that happen almost everyday!
I LOVE that Kaylee is a girly girl. The other morning Talon decided he wanted to eat just as we were heading out the door. I told Kaylee to go play for a little while longer because I had to feed Talon. She said okay and disappeared. She spent the extra time putting on a necklace, braclet, earrings, and hair bows. When she emerged I had to stop from smiling, not because it was funny, but because she looked so darn cute and had worked so hard to make herself "beautiful."
I also LOVE that Kaylee is so tender-hearted. I barely have to raise my voice and she is in tears. I think this makes me a better mother because I know I have to be careful of how I act and what I say. I LOVE her tender little feelings.
Most of all I LOVE that she LOVES to spend time with her Mommy. Yesterday she called me at work to see if I would come home and snuggle with her. How can you say no to that? No doubt, she is super special and we LOVE having her in our home.
Tell Kaylee she is absolutely adorable.
Kisses and kisses to Kaylee. She really is SO adorable. And I can't wait until her and Liv can spend their summers together when they get a little older. I love her saying "Are you kidding me?..." Thats so stinking cute. We love Kaylee too!
We love Kaylee too!!! What a sweet post about her.
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