Monday, December 15, 2008


I never realized how much fun it would be to have siblings but I love it. Kaylee is so cute with Talon. She loves him so much and is always asking to hold him or "pet" him. If Talon crys she is the first one to him with his binki and will start singing to him if that doesn't work. The other day Talon just wanted to be held so Kaylee sat on the bed with him in her arms while I got ready for the day. It was only a few minutes but I think that is pretty good for a three-year-old!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We went to the doctor for his 2 week check up yesterday. He weighed 8lbs 12oz, just 1 oz shy of gaining 1 pound since birth. He is getting so big!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Christmas pictures

Okay I am officially humbled. I had great ambitions to get the cutest picture done for my Christmas letter. As it turns out, it is more difficult than I thought to get two kids looking, not to mention smiling, at the camera. Kaylee was so interested in what Talon was doing that I couldn't get her to look straight into the camera. After about the 20th missed shot I said that she had better start looking at me in a stern voice. This of course broke her heart and she stormed to her bedroom crying. She has very tender feelings and it doesn't take much to upset her these days. After that it didn't seem like such a fun moment to capture. I guess we will try again later. Ugh!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Compare and contrast

Can you tell these two are related? The number one question people ask me is if he looks like Kaylee. I am posing the question to you. What do you think?

Talon's first week home

Kaylee's first week home

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Talon Jeffrey McCurdy

Here is a start... More to come!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Bed Rest

For all of you that don't know I have been sentenced to bed rest as of Monday, November 3rd. I am only allowed to go to the bathroom and take a shower. It wasn't bad the first few days because I wasn't feeling well but I am feeling better and want to be up and getting things done for the new baby. Jeff says I should be happy about spending everyday alone and in bed because I probably won't get this opportunity again for a long time. I do feel fortunate that this will only go on for a few weeks. I know some women have to be on bed rest for months which I can't imagine. I am doing my best to count my many blessings and appreciate all the wonderful family I have that are so willing to help out. My next doctor's appointment is on Thursday, November 13th and my doctor said he would schedule an inducement day then so watch for an update!

Friday, October 31, 2008


I am so sorry I haven't been blogging lately. Not only have I not posted but I haven't even been on anyone elses' to see what everyone is up to. SORRY! Work has been really busy and it seems everyone here, including me, is in denial that I could actually have my baby anytime and be out for a few months. My due date (November 24th) is fast approaching. I will be 37 weeks on Monday so technically full term. Kaylee only came 1 day early so I am not holding my breath to go early. Besides I have to finish stuff up at work first. I hope everyone is doing great. I will try to get Halloween pictures up soon. Kaylee is a princess, of course!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

New style!

How did I do? My sister Kami said I needed a new look. This is my first attempt at changing things since she set up my blog. I hope it looks okay. Decorating and color coordinating has never been my thing.

Grandpa and Grandma's new horse

If possible, Grandpa and Grandma Peck's house just got more fun. They now have a sweet old horse. Kaylee was thrilled to be so close and to get to ride it.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Home Improvement

As you can see, Kaylee absolutely idolizes her dad. She wants to help him do everything. Saturday we worked on hanging new closet doors in the kids' bedrooms. Kaylee was also a big help to me when I pulled out the baby toys. Kaylee sorted them into a "fun" pile and "not-so-fun" pile. She let us know which ones the baby would like and which ones he wouldn't. She is going to be quite the mom when the baby is born. She pretends she has a baby in her tummy too. Sometimes she doesn't feel good because the baby is kicking and when she is done with her dinner, she says the baby is too full to eat any more. It is quite dramatic.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Papa and Grandma are sealed!

After almost 30 years of marriage, my grandparents, Papa and Grandma, are finally sealed. They were both so cute about it. Grandma practically had to stand on top of the alter in order to kiss Papa after the ceremony but they got it done. What a neat experience!!

New Carpet!

Where have I been? We have been so busy. We went to Island Park over Labor Day, Jeff was in charge of a big ward activity, and then we had to get ready to have all new carpet laid in my upstairs. We had to move everything out. It was like moving all over again, but it was so worth it. You can't get a very good idea from these pictures but I thought I would try. I really should have a before picture. It needed to be replaced so badly but this is all you get. Anyway, I love having the new carpet smell and feeling like my house is my own again. I have been doing spring cleaning as I have been putting things back so everything feels so nice and clean. I need to give a big thank you to all the friends and family who helped us move our furniture and especially to my good hubby who worked so hard all week to prepare. I love and appreciate you all!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fair Time

The Filer Fair is this week in Twin Falls. We decided to take Kaylee and boy did she LOVE it. She wanted to ride the rides over and over again and loved all the animals. There was a petting zoo where she could feed baby goats and she thought that was great. After every pen we went to she would say, "That one is my favorite." She is ready to go back and asked all day today if we could go to the fair again tonight.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

New Scooter!!

Grandpa and Grandma McCurdy came by Saturday afternoon on their way home from Boise and took Kaylee shopping. The last time we went to Pocatello Kaylee loved riding on Ellie's old scooter. I quickly wrote down the idea for a Christmas or birthday idea but guess what she got when she was shopping! She absolutely loves the scooter and has already been out this morning riding some more. She keeps asking me if she can ride it to the park, which we may attempt later this afternoon. It is so fun. I guess I am looking once again for any good birthday and Christmas ideas for one spoiled girl!

Our little helper

Kaylee loves to dance so Saturday morning it was no surprise when she came fluttering into the kitchen with her dance outfit on. I put on some music and she danced for a good half hour. Then she saw her dad outside weeding the flower bed. She wanted to go help him but wouldn't let me take her dance outfit off. However, she did insist on wearing gloves and tennis shoes like her dad. This was the outcome! I think it fits her well.

Twin Falls Temple

We went through the Twin Falls Temple open house on Friday with Gigi and Grandpa Clark, Mom and Dad, Ashlee and her kids, and Kole and Todd. Then we all went to lunch afterwards. It was fun to see the temple again. We went over a month ago when it first opened and this was our first time back. The open house ended yesterday and preparations are underway for the dedication on the 24th of August. Jeff and I are so excited about the prospect of a temple so close.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

First Haircut

I took Kaylee to JC Pennys for her first official haircut. I have trimmed it many times but this is the first time I have taken her to the salon. She was so cute and sat perfectly still for the lady. I promised her I would buy her a Barbie car if she was good, which she has been wanting for months. These pictures don't show off her hair like I wanted but you can get the idea. It is a short bob that frames her face. She is getting so big.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Peck Family Reunion 2008

We had the Peck Family Reunion at Star Valley, WY this year. Everyone was there except for Kami and Frank, who we missed terribly, but we still had a lot of fun. Jason and Robyn planned it and did a fantastic job. The first night we were there I froze. I wasn't prepared for it to get so cold at night. Luckily, Bret came up the next night and brought extra blankets and sleeping bags.

All the grandkids on our hike to Periodic Springs.
Jeff, Kaylee, and I in front of Periodic Springs. The water came out of the mountain. Neat!


Jared and Candi were in charge of our annual survivor game. They did an awesome job. Chad and Keysha won but it was a good battle.

Jeff will be so glad I posted this picture! We had to get the rubberbands around our neck by wiggling our faces only. Towards the end we could use our partner's face. After two days of camping, the girls got major razor burn. Ouch! The boys had to hold the string behind their back and the women (and Todd) had to eat the doughnut off the string without having it fall.

The men had to hold the buckets out in front of them and the girls had to empty their partner's bucket and try to fill someone elses. If you dropped your bucket, you were out. The concept was good but it turned into quite the water fight and ended in an all our water war.

In the egg race we had to run around obstacles with the egg in the small of our back then drop it into the bowl without braking it. As you can see, the drop seemed to be the problem.

Of course, the highlight of the game was the boy shoe game. All the boys had to loosen their shoes. They got in a circle facing each other and then had to wrestle each others shoes off. As soon as you lost both your shoes you were out. Bret and Dad were the last men standing but Dad won out in the end. It was fun to watch! Look at Bret's knees. Jeff's are still sore.

Kaylee's Tagged

Okay, I tried this but it was pretty hard for Kaylee. I don't think she understood a lot of the questions.

Q: What's something that Mommy always says to you?
A: Two more days ( She wanted to go to Livi's house when I pulled up the blog to get the tag questions. Usually when she wants to do something I tell her how many days until she can do it. Unfortunately, it will be a few more days than two before we will see Livi.)

Q: What makes Mommy happy?
A: My face

Q: What makes Mommy sad?
A: Pictures (???)

Q: How does Mommy make you laugh?
A: Tickle me.

Q: What was Mommy like as a child?
A: She played ball

Q: How old is your Mommy?
A: 5 or 1

Q:How tall is your Mommy?
A: This high up (With hand above head)

Q: What is Mom's favorite thing to do?
A: Tickle me

Q: What does Mommy do when you're not around?
A: Being sad

Q: If Mommy was going to be famous, what would it be for?

Q: What is your Mommy really good at?
A: Tickling me ( I see a pattern)

Q: What is Mommy not very good at?
A: Crying (Odd, I thought I was good at that)

Q: What does Mommy do for her job?
A: Plays with friends

Q: What is Mommy's favorite food?
A: Pizza (I think this is her favorite not mine)

Q: What makes you proud of your Mom?

Q: If Mommy was a cartoon character who would she be?
A: Sponge Bob (I asked her who Mommy was on TV)

Q: What do you and your Mommy do together?
A: Play

Q: How are you and Mommy the same?
A: Nose and ice cream

Q: How are you and your Mommy different?
A: I'm me

Q: How do you know Mommy loves you?
A: This much

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It's a boy! There is no doubt. Baby McCurdy was not shy. I was going to try to scan in the ultrasound picture but I don't think it will work very well so this is all you get.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

The site above will send you to a news article about the Twin Falls Temple open house. On the right hand side is a small 3 minute video clip that shows pictures of the inside of the temple. It really shows a lot of it. Of course, it isn't the same feeling as being there but I thought for those of you far away, it could come close. Check it out!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

New Floor

We had our hardwood floor resurfaced while we were gone to Island Park. It looks a lot better and very shiny. I am not sure if you will be able to see it with the picture but I thought I would try. We came home to a mess of saw dust everywhere but it is nice to have done.

Island Park

We just returned from a week in Island Park. We had a great and relaxing time. Our only complaint were all the mosquitoes that tried to ruin our fun. We each have a lot of bites despite trying our best to keep repellant on. We went on nature walks, Mesa Falls, and rode on the 4-Wheelers. Kaylee also got to ride in the canoe and attempt fishing. Grandpa McCurdy caught 4 fish which Kaylee was really excited about until he cut off their tails and heads to clean them. She was a little upset about that.

I created a "wilderness bingo" game for the kids with pictures of different animals, bugs, and
plants that they would see on our nature hikes. It was a hit and a good idea if anyone is going hiking soon. I got the idea from the TV show "Supernanny." Thanks, Joe!